Our Equipment

Mini-Pak Oven Series
The Mini-Pak Series of vertical airflow units are a perfect fit for delis, restaurants, grocery stores, small processors, and for research and development operations.

Max-Pak Oven Series
The vertical airflow units of the Max-Pak Series are available in electric, steam coil, or gas-heated options. Their capacity starts at 500 pounds and goes up from there to a 4,800-pound capacity unit.

Shelf-Pak Series
The Shelf-Pak Series has unique side-to-side reversing horizontal airflow for greater uniformity at higher production. This series is designed for all products that are best processed on screens.

Ultra-Pak Series
The Ultra-Pak Series units are available in 4 to 30-truck models. Available in vertical airflow or horizontal airflow. They can be manufactured in batch style, flow-through operation, and indexed travel.

Control Systems
Our Control Systems Packages range from Microprocessor units to PLC control systems with downloading capabilities.

Enviro-Pak has all the accessories and parts needed to keep your operation ahead of the competition.

Blast Chillers
Our Blast Chillers in all sizes provide fast cool down to meet or exceed U.S.D.A. chill down requirements.

Steam Cabinets
Steam Cabinets can be provided in all sizes equal to our oven line. Live steam cooking is available for a variety of products. These cabinets are also used for sterilizing and pasteurizing.

Impingement Ovens
The Impingement Series is a modular designed conveyorized oven of high-temperature zones interspersed with dwell, equilibration, tempering, and searing.

Airflow Information
Explanation of horizontal airflow and vertical airflow.