Chances are, we have seen your particular processing challenge and have a solution.

Mini-Pak Oven Series
The Mini-Pak Series of vertical airflow units are a perfect fit for delis, restaurants, grocery stores, small processors, and for research and development operations.

Max-Pak Oven Series
The vertical airflow units of the Max-Pak Series are available in electric, steam coil, or gas-heated options. Their capacity starts at 500 pounds and goes up from there to a 4,800-pound capacity unit.

Shelf-Pak Series
The Shelf-Pak Series has unique side-to-side reversing horizontal airflow for greater uniformity at higher production. This series is designed for all products that are best processed on screens.

Ultra-Pak Series
The Ultra-Pak Series units are available in 4 to 30-truck models. Available in vertical airflow or horizontal airflow. They can be manufactured in batch style, flow-through operation, and indexed travel.