Specialty Equipment
Enviro-Pak represents Frigomeccanica's complete line of fermenting, drying, aging, and thawing equipment in North America.
Whether for thawing food products or drying or aging, or fermenting a specialty product, all rooms are custom designed for each processor's particular needs and production requirements.
The Enviro-Pak drying room utilizes the concept of drying by refrigeration. The drying room includes special evaporator coils operated at relatively low temperatures (slightly above freezing), special re-heat coils that maintain the room temperature at approximately 70ºF, special air handlers and distribution cones for maximum air circulation and temperature uniformity, and a drain line from the drying room to an exterior drain to allow removal of the moisture.
Drying rooms have been used in the food processing industry for many years. Their use has been mainly associated with aging, curing, or fermenting fresh (non-cooked) products. However, in recent years with the growth of the "snack food" industry, their use as "dryers" has increased.